Posts tagged patty's closet
Fashion Favorites: Patty's Closet

You all know that I love dresses ! Short dresses, long dresses, floral dresses, colored dresses... you name it. So when I saw this black and white striped maxi dress over at Patty's Closet, I just knew I had to try it on. I usually don't wear stripes because one, black and white stripes remind me of Beetlejuice. Two, if you have a curvy figure, it can accentuate your figure even more, and sometimes in a bad way! Although I love my body, sometimes I get a bit skeptical to wear anything that shows off how curvy I really am. Since I'm so short and I wear flowy tops/dresses a majority of the time, some people think I'm stick thin, when in all actuality that's not the case. LOL. I'm not fat or too skinny, but just right in the middle of the two. Still, a girl can't help feel a bit self conscious...

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Fashion Favorites: Patty's Closet

In my previous post, I mentioned how I celebrated my blog's 1 year anniversary at DVF in the Palazzo. It was such a wonderful event and I had such a blast celebrating with my gurlfransss :) A lot of us have been DYINGGGG to get all dressed up and set up a high tea time. This event was perfect because there was tea, food AND fashion! (All of our favorite things of course lol) For the event, I wanted to wear something that would really play up the whole tea party aspect. But I also wanted to be comfortable, feel feminine and confident. So naturally, I ended up at one of my favorite stores here in Vegas, Patty's Closet...

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Fashion Favorites: Patty's Closet

One of the coolest things about fashion is seeing how different pieces can mix together. I love taking something a bit casual and matching it with something that's a little more dressed up. So when I went to Patty's Closet's Rainbow and Windmill location, I saw this jean skirt (yes, A JEAN SKIRT) and knew exactly what I was going to pair it with. Instead of a regular t-shirt or tank. I wanted to wear the skirt with a dressier top and heels. And WA-LAH! I bring you today's Fashion Favorites entry...

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Fashion Favorites: Patty's Closet

If there's one look I without a doubt, seriously for real, absolutely, with all my heart know I CANNOT pull off, it's the ever trending romper. Rompers have been my nemesis since I first tried one on in a dressing room at Francesca's a few months ago. It made me look gumpy and it made me look really short and big. I think you have to have a certain body shape to effortlessly pull off a romper, and being 5'2 with a curvy figure doesn't help. (Note: That's just my opinion for myself and how I looked. Not saying other curvy short girls couldn't pull off the look.) But to my surprise, I saw a romper at Patty's Closet, thought, "What the heck?" and tried it on. I was amazed at how nice the romper actually looked on me...

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Fashion Favorites: Patty's Closet

To be honest, I don't really shop too much (as I previously mentioned in my last entry). But when I do find something I like, I make the investment. So when I walked into Patty's Closet on Rainbow and Windmill the other week, I was surprised to find that I wanted to buy everything! Literally gushing to myself about how cute everything was, I just knew I had to buy SOMETHING...

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