Self Improvement Month // Moments of Self Care

Shout-out to Celebrate Recovery because it's a ministry that God used to save my life and continues to use to heal many from their hurts, habits and hang-ups. πŸ™πŸΌ #selfimprovementmonth πŸ’•

I heavily struggled with suicidal thoughts from 2017 to 2018. It's not a light subject, I know. I look back and realize I was placing hope on the wrong things… ❌I was placing hope in approval from others. ❌ I was placing hope in my career. ❌ I was placing hope in my relationships. But really, the only thing I should have been placing hope in is the Lord! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

During my recovery journey, he healed me from my suicidal thoughts in the most radical way πŸ₯² I also discovered there are many more things I needed to work on so I can elevate to my highest self, but by God’s standards. Some of the best gifts I received from my healing and self-improvement journey are: ✨I re-found my strong faith & hope in the Lord.

✨I found a supportive community of people who have turned into family.
✨I have found ways to love myself in the healthy ways I deserve, so I can show up as my truest self for my loved ones and help break generational curses.
✨I found that I can help others through sharing my story of God’s amazing work in my life. Last month, I celebrated 4 years of being in recovery πŸ’ƒπŸ» I am so grateful for the journey God brought me through and how he used Celebrate Recovery to shake up and change up my life. I feel more comfortable in my skin than I ever have and I know this only the beginning of what God has in store for me. πŸ’•

Self-improvement is an everlasting journey. It’s not an easy road, but the freedom waiting is so worth it in the end! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ I hope this month brings you the healing, grace and love you desire and need!

Love you!πŸŒ€βœ¨